Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Musings: Things I love lately

The last two days here in Spokane have been gloriously, inexplicably warm and sunny. In fact, the sun is pouring through my window as I write this, and I'm tempted to whisper, ever so quietly and just to myself, that it feels like...shhhhh: it feels like spring.

But alas, I can't say such things in January. We all know better. Still...we'll take the sun any day it wants to be here.

In addition to the sunshine, here are a few little diversions / projects I've been enjoying lately:

>> Weekend walks and thrifting: Saturday was foggy all day--a dense, wet, lingering fog--but we took a long stroll through Manito Park, peaked at a few houses that are for rent (we're keeping our eyes peeled these days!), and then we hit up a few of our favorite thrift stores, where I found a super oldie vintage skirt that's now mid-face lift.

>> Super oldie skirt project: Currently learning how to do a blind hem, realizing that I may not have the right presser foot for the project, and while it drives me a little crazy, I'm glad for the opportunity to practice my sewing skills.

>> Transparent: One of the most honest, witty, well-cast shows I've seen in a long time. It snagged a Golden Globe a couple of weeks ago, putting it on our radar, and truth be told, we blew through all ten episodes in a week. Beautiful writing, complicated, challenging characters, hilarious family drama.

>> Rittenhouse Old Fashioned: Because Joe is an amazing bartender and I've recently discovered that sewing projects pair well with whiskey.

>> Sasquatch Hunter's Almanac: The newest novel by one of our beloved local writers, Sharma Shields, whose book launch is tomorrow night at Auntie's Bookstore, and I can't wait to hear her read.

>> Good, long talks with good, kind peeps: Yep. They're the best.

>> Sunday jogging: Running through sunny Riverfront Park while the sun sparkled --gorgeous.

>> And...the Internet: Seriously. Take a peak at these inspiring photos of tree and flower canopies all over the world!

I want to visit every single one...

What do you love lately? Would love to hear!

Cheers, xo

{Top photo: Charley Zheng; canopy images via Bored Panda--thank you}

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